Message From

As an accomplished collector of instruments of time and/or writing instruments, you would agree that the key to a successful project lies in its details. And for those who seek true distinction, it is the charm and authenticity of bespoke pieces that make the difference.

Our philosophy is based on exclusivity within the field of luxury. We collaborate with brilliant, independent and renowned artists across the world to craft tailor-made limited edition watches, writing tools, and a wide spectrum of objects d’art.

To inspire you in the creation of your own unique objet d’art, The William Wagner Geneva website showcases some of the exquisite items designed by our selected artists. We will continue to add new artists to complement our collection and offer a tantalising glimpse into a world of exclusive, bespoke luxury.

We design your distinctive piece with your input, then we produce a rendering so you can visualise it before you commission us to create the real piece, which can take several weeks or months.

While in the process of creation, we will keep you personally updated with images of the item, and when it is complete we will come to the location of your choice to deliver your bespoke luxury piece of art.

Please visit our website to learn more about the history of William Wagner Geneva as well as the artists and their work (pictures displayed).

Sincerely yours

Ramzi Charaf-Wagner
Founder and CEO

William Wagner Geneva

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